Is Your Home ready for the Hurricane Season?

The following structural items contribute to the greatest Wind Mitigation Credits.
Roof Shape
Roof-to Wall Connection
Roof covering
Roof Deck Attachment
Secondary Water Resistance
Opening Protection
Wind Mitigation
Wind Loss Mitigation Survey
This is a one-time home inspection to identify features that qualify, as well as features that don’t, for homeowners insurance deductions and/or credits under Florida Statute 626.0629, which mandates that all insurance companies which sell homeowners insurance in Florida must offer their customers either an annual discount, credit or other rate differential for features that enhance a home’s durability and gives more protection during windstorms or hurricanes. As Florida’s past experience has shown, this includes those homes located inland, as well as on the coastlines.

A Wind Mitigation is best described as, a structural inspection of your home's building envelope and roofing structure to determine if it qualifies for certain wind resistance features and/or ratings. These ratings relate to how much risk is associated with your home in the event of serious wind Gusts or Hurricane. These reductions are called Wind Mitigation Credits or Discounts. The more Hurricane resistant features a home has, the more Wind Mitigation Credits you may qualify for.
Good Life Property Inspections is dedicated to providing you with an accurate Windstorm Mitigation that will get you the reductions your home deserves. Florida Law entitles homeowners to premium reductions based upon their homes wind resistance features but this requires a Wind Mitigation Inspection. Depending on your homes characteristics, you can reduce your out of pocket cost up to 50% of your policy premium!
The way to reduce insurance rates is to have a safer home. Good Life Property Inspections can help evaluate your home to become more wind-resistant and have lesser damage during a windstorm event. Lesser damage equals reduced insurance costs for homeowners. Wind Mitigation discounts are applied toward the windstorm portion of your total insurance premium. Any home that has a windstorm policy can benefit from a Wind Mitigation Inspection.
